Battles  HealthyMan vs JimmyRhymes


Just talk about things that have been stressing you out lately.

Max of 32 lines


JimmyRhymes won this battle!


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  • Life for me ain't really been all that easy
  • Especially if I can't do what I want freely
  • I gotta go to work as a janitor cleaning
  • With earbuds listening to music day dreaming
  • I gotta deal with a motherfucker who's stupid
  • I come back home with neighbors playing loud music can't hear myself think
  • My patience for a bunch of tjings is really starting to shrink
  • Then I gotta repeat this shit again the next day
  • It's just another day like any other but I'm okay


  • Hey right now I'm dealing with a problem with my father
  • He's a fucking drunk piece of shit he is such a bother
  • One night he called me drunk talking about I'm his son
  • Even though I haven't seen his ass in years by then I was done
  • Now he wants to control my life telling me what to do
  • I control my own life it's in my hands, not his, fuck that fool
  • He's dumb as fuck, telling me how to have fun, telling me to go out
  • If I don't have to I hate going out, fake friends I can do without
  • Wants me to experience stupid shit that's unnecessary
  • In his 60s and looks like shit, skinny fat, unfit, and unhealthy
  • Has health problems and still goes to the bars drinking beer
  • He's doing what he wants, yet imposing his bullshit on me here
  • My definition of fun doesn't involve going to the bars
  • Or the clubs, or taking drugs, or smoking weed and smoking cigars
  • I have my own hobbies I enjoy like writing raps
  • Exercising, making art, television, walking, running laps
  • He doesn't understand me, he keeps trying to make me be like him his impression
  • But I'm not like him, I'm just me, I'm not entirely his reflection
  • He needs some fucking glasses because he can't see this clearly
  • Talking about me he needs to stop drinking this like really
  • It's not good for his health but he doesn't care he's just lazy
  • It also doesn't help when he always starts smoking daily
  • He is acting crazy, but I won't let him ruin my life
  • Because he enjoyed his now it's my time to enjoy mines

Cookin' something up, just wait a sec...