Battles  KillersNoMercy1 awaiting a challenger...


No Rules

Max of 19 lines


KillersNoMercy1 won this battle!


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The owner took it down or changed the settings to private.

  • you why try
  • My brothers got me
  • Yeah you wanted my attention
  • you aint wanna know my intentions
  • temptaions yeah, They quite bad
  • your flow is alright not the best
  • you try to hard to impress but sorry no
  • you thought you were bette than me fuck no
  • Covid - 19 biggest pandemic of the 2000 century
  • Im the best seller your the wannabe try harder
  • sorry for the meanness I don't give a shit
  • I got no mercy, Upon the night sky where things fly
  • Fly high, bro your rapper's name is dead and already in hell
  • X factor here to deliver, I tear you up your rip out your liver
  • go play some Minecraft build yourself a portal leave my game
  • This my home not yours. Stop trying so hard
  • you know where to find me

Still waiting for Iva to respond.

Make sure you let Iva know you challenged them. A defender reserves the right to delete a battle directed at them.

Cookin' something up, just wait a sec...