Battles  G-LOCK vs


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Battle on July 25 2024


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  • School is on lockdown, lights out, students and teacher are hiding.
  • Interstellar: *takes the biggest shart in world history, then does Tarzan Scream*
  • Student 1: Shut the fuck up! You're not funny!
  • Student 2: We're all gonna die because of you!
  • Teacher: Everyone settle down.
  • *Shooter approaches classroom*
  • *Interstellar pulls down his pants and underwear, and sharts again, this time on a classmate.*
  • *Student dies of embarassment*
  • Student 3: FUCK YOU, INTERSTELLAR!!!
  • Teacher: Be quiet. The shooter is getting closer.
  • Interstellar: *Pisses 2 liters of cum, flooding class.*
  • Godlik3: Oh fuck! Get me outta here! (Goes into and locks cabinet)
  • *Another student dies of cringe*
  • Interstellar: Igdgicegycyioegjgwbdcbciyargecyivcicgcyio!!!!!!!!
  • *Shooter breaks window and kills half of the class before getting detained*
  • Godlik3: Goddamn. (under breath) How is this hoe not dead? (starts diss on Iced_Jules)
  • //Verse (0:15)//
  • Interstellar you lucky asshole, how the fuck did you not get karma.
  • And you shouldn't be in school bathrooms smokin' marijuana.
  • When you ain't makin' up shit, you disrespect black people like Obama.
  • But I get it, 'cause you worship Osama.
  • Act like you better but you ain't even makin' reasonable accusations.
  • And that bullshit is makin' me lose my patience.
  • You called an African an #####R and then lied you Asian.
  • I mean, you must be the daughter of Satan.
  • You better not call me a child molester 'cause you're literally a sex offender.
  • I know you ain't gonna survive under this goddamn pressure.
  • Boi, you claim you good? Hoe, what the fuck ever.
  • You're just a tub of lard and everyone else is clearly better.
  • Get yo ass on, you fuckin' failed abortion.
  • And I say that 'cause you got disowned by the orphanage.
  • Yeah, even Jason's nearly better than you, so get back in yo cage.
  • And these bars just declared you got an ill fate.
  • (On field, waiting for police to put shooter into car)
  • Godlik3: Repeat after me, Interstellar is a failed abortion!
  • Shooter: Listen, I needed to kill Interstellar. He's gonna make evolution go backward.
  • Officer: Oh, Jules?
  • Shooter: If I didn't kill ho,, no one would have brains or morals anymore!
  • Officer: Alright, I'll bring Interstellar.
  • (Officer drags Interstellar to scene, shooter kills Interstellar)


  • (Storyline)
  • Schools on lockdown indeed. GodLike's hiding in a fucking cabinet.
  • Theres no hope for the school, you see, I'll take matters into my own hands.
  • "Time to be a fucking savage."
  • (Interstellar)
  • Gunshots ringing from the classroom down the hall,
  • Dude, i know your scared, but let go of my fucking balls,
  • Your gonna keep hearing shots till every kid is dead, So i let out a scream till im out of breathe.
  • Kids so scared they dropping dead, *Footsteps getting closer*
  • My face turns red, im hiding behind the door, This sicko dont know whats in store,
  • He starts popping off shots before he even in the room, door goes down,
  • I take my zoom. Look at this clown, with his automatic 22.
  • I grab the gun, and i give it a twist. Now my fingers on the trigger, *BAM* There goes his wrist.
  • Now the shooters on the ground in agony, Cops come in try detaining me,
  • Half the class is dead, they see the gun in my hand, "Fuck You Cop" now theres a hole in his head.
  • Kid, why you tryna diss me?
  • Is that a diss or a story? Some descriptive shit, you see.
  • You dont wanna diss me, With a story of you sitting in your piss, G.
  • Your storys got some easy shit, you remind me of GenXJeezy and RoyalTit,
  • Im a tub of lard indeed, Your a maggot, tub of larva, you see.
  • Whys everyone tryna diss me? Is it an honour if i reply to your shit G? Guess what GodLike.
  • Asian nerd, with head lice, Your gay? Thats nice.
  • I dont care, or think twice. Guess what GodLike.
  • You know whats nice, you aint a fraud,
  • I wouldnt reply, if you werent like God; "All Forgiving"
  • For what im about to give you... Yeah i dont give a fuck about GodLik3.
  • Im a demon, im DemonLik3.
  • When i spike, im your kryptonite, i take your sight, take your light,
  • till your out the fight, You tryna diss me, bet you didnt think twice.
  • Im the kinda guy you dont wanna touch, tamper, or handle with.
  • Your like a frail kid, fallen in a mosh pit,
  • Your Autistic? I respect that. Hats down, hands up,
  • But i aint the clown in spandex. My rhymes are 100% raw,
  • I dont sugar coat it like your mamas jaw.
  • That wasnt weed in the washroom, That was crack, i need some customers,
  • Want some? Man i got stacks, I got stacks upon racks,
  • for your mouth and your ass, call me up, ill full fill your need.
  • I got a combination, to make your eyes bleed. Guess what GodLik3. Im back.
  • I aint on much, but i have slack. i seen your diss, 3 days after you wrote it,
  • Thank God it only took 3 minutes to write back. So take your diss, and your dick, and go stroke it,
  • Take my rhymes and my bars and stick it up your crack, I aint spitting random shit like your ass,
  • I speak my mind, i speak my feelings, i spit pure facts A diss cant win, when theres a flaw within,
  • Your diss is about a school shooting, Well maybe you need to research the "Homeschool" meaning.
  • I aint go to school. (Storyline)
  • Cop kills Interstellar, Cop don't want kid taking over his job.
  • Interstellar goes straight to hell. Where his DemonLik3 can reign...
  • (Interstellar)
  • I respect your style GodLik3. You got skill for your age. God Bless.

Cookin' something up, just wait a sec...