Battles G-LOCK vs Musicbizmarty
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G-LOCK won this battle!
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- Before I start this diss, I just wanted to say "Welcome, back" to Jason_The_Pest.
- But there's no real welcome, use you as my doormat, until you have zero blood left.
- And look who he came back as, a sad loser who calls himself Rattlebonesss.
- This mothafucka looks like he got beat up by a fuckin’ cantaloupe.
- He couldn’t accept the fact he sucks at rappin’, so he had to make a new “law”.
- The fact he’s an egotistical whiny 3-year old is the objective conclusion anyone would draw.
- It’s true tho, he paints himself as this legend who in rapping, is highly artistic.
- The simple fact that there are people better than is making him go ballistic.
- He has the audacity to call X Factor a “disease” when he’s a fuckin’ cancer.
- No matter how much humbling he experiences, his ego will never even slightly shatter.
- For example, when GenXjeezy attempted that, he threw a huge fuckin’ tantrum.
- Yeah, zero smarts in Rattlebonesss, brain is smaller than a fuckin’ atom.
- He’s such a depressing bitch, he doesn’t even deserve to have his name spelled properly.
- He ain’t shit, he’s just a bitchin’, ragin’, stupid wannabe.
- He’s not even close to bein’ slightly good, he performs way, way too much self-fellatio.
- His ass might as well quit hopin’ on bein’ on the radio.
- Now he’s turned into a dick-rider though he pushes heavily against LGBTQ+.
- The shit he talks and how mentally unstable he is, well, it’s a huge global issue.
- His pathetic ass literally resorted to calling Symbiote a child molester.
- Despite the fact he’s probably one himself, in all the beefs, he’s been the aggressor.
- Based on the bullshit comin’ outta his filthy ass, if not Jason, he’s DiddySanta.
- He probably filmed a 5-hour long video of him having butt-sex with the carpet on camera.
- It’s cute how he thinks X Factor ain’t shit but he can’t defend his ass behind a computer screen.
- Gayest simp on the planet, last Christmas, he wished for a bigger dick.
- ‘Cause all he and OriginalG will ever be are depressing basement dwellers.
- Just a couple bitchin’, desperate, overconfident attention beggars.
- As long as they keep gettin’ false confidence, they’ll continue to be huge bitches.
- If this mothafucka stays another minute on here, he’ll need at least 205 stitches.
- On a serious note, he’s literally the reason condoms and abortion were invented.
- He’s such a waste of his parents’ sperm I’m surprised he hasn’t been neglected.
- I mean, if he were to be neglected, CPS wouldn’t even give a slight fuck.
- If there’s one thing true about this guy, it’s that he absolutely fuckin’ sucks.
- Now that we’ve finished this loser, let’s talk about his butt buddy, OriginalG.
- What a pathetic name for a hoe, forehead be defyin’ gravity.
- Have to suck RattleBonesss’s tiny dick just to make friends somewhere.
- With the pathetic shit you sunk down to, I now understand why ya can’t make friends anywhere.
- In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re just Rattlebonesss on an alt account.
- Oh, you are, and how many times have you linked that dumbass YT short? Let me recount.
- It’s probably a lot, since you’re extremely obsessed with that dogshit.
- Besides, you ain’t even worth my time, so go flush that ass YouTube short down the toilet.
- Can you imagine being this fucking gay?
- mM: hTtPs://wWw.rApPaD.Co/uSeRs/gAyJeEzYeXbOyFwEeEeNdD ThIs iS ThE AsShOlE WhO ThInKs iT'S A GoOd iDeA To fUcK WiTh mE AnD ThE X FaCtOr. BaSeD On tHe lAnGuAgE He uSeS I'M PrEtTy sUrE He's eItHeR HoTsAnTa oR JaSoN_ThE_BeSt. He's iN 12 bAtTlEs rIgHt nOw aNd i nEeD HiM To lOvE EvErY OnE Of tHeM. i'm tRyInG To pRoVe a pOiNt sO I AcTuAlLy nEeD HiM To bE AnNiHiLaTeD In eVeRy oNe oF ThEm. So i aM AsKiNg fOr aNyOnE WhO'S WiLlInG To hElP Me aNd tHe x fAcToR To gO VoTe aGaInSt hIm. ThAnK YoU VeRy muCh"
- Can you imagine my dick so far up his fucking ass.
- I win every fucking battle instantly, the fact he's so pissy-pants scared
- He asked everyone to cheat like a snot-nosed little soya bitchboy, you are the worst thing that's ever came to this site.
- That sure is "ann-i-hil-ation" voting against me on purpose on all your alt accounts you made woahhhhhhh
- You have no balls. And never will. The fact you have to get everyone to be purposely unfair in order to cheat against me all the time. "Annihilation"
- Like can you seriously imagine being this fucking gay?
- Purposely being that unfair all the time and thinking you can get away with it.
- Like you're the type of person to become a fucking rapist.
- Are you always purposely unfair to a girl despite she gave you noooo consent, do you like it like that you faggot?
- A girl would never give you consent ever, you would have to be the same.
- You would have to rape her. You would have to be purposely unfair all the time. That's what I'm saying.
- Because you're fucking pussy GayJeezy, and you're a rapist, and pedo.