Battles   vs Legin


survivinn dese baccstreetz

Max of 59 lines


Legin won this battle!


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  • the streets are a mindset, wheres your mind at
  • dont be a survior walk right by that
  • theres more to life than what theyve broadcast
  • theyve painted a picture for you to strive at
  • so you fill up the prisons thats where there dimes at
  • another slave in training who needs chains when
  • kids line up convinced thats where they belong at
  • you were born in a system that doesnt mind if you sell crack
  • you were born in a system that doesnt mind if you kill blacks
  • gangsterism a ploy, rich bigots planned that
  • and you can only break the chains when you see its a trap set
  • take away the fathers, defund the schools give em someone to look up at
  • so becareful what path you choose cause theyll hand you the shoes and watch as you walk towards doom

Cookin' something up, just wait a sec...