Battles  Acognito vs Vherses


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Max of 22 lines


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1 total vote so far.


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  • Vherses aims to music, which is what he does pathetically/
  • I'll kill him on any beat/ They can't find him for weeks/
  • Just like the WWE make him count 1.2.3/ As he falls to his knees/
  • then hang him on trees/ and watch his body hang lifelessly/
  • you got exposed for your lack of flow and everyone knows it/
  • you have no good bars your a bitch and low-key a bad poet/
  • As you sit on RapPad silenty/ I'll diss you and do it violently/
  • Dissing you is like writing mindlessly/but its me vherses him get the irony/
  • my punchlines are hitting very well composed/ while you sit here imposed/
  • my record explodes/ ya mama's at your grave site to give ya a rose/
  • cause you thought you could take the heat and battle the pros/
  • but this battle was ruled murder by detectives I guess that's case closed/


  • Why battle when you could commit suicide instead bitch .
  • This net shit got me speaking dyslexic feeling like I’m doing meth hits
  • Have a death wish up in the hood more than clan members
  • Hit you with a right make you change direction
  • Fists can break though bricks and into your chest and exits
  • With blood soaked hands I stand and scream
  • Lift your heart to the sun like an Aztec
  • Fascists with mags clips clap your fat bitch
  • Strapped with Russian automatics
  • Stacking like a capitalist mashing on your ranches
  • Animal farm like mad pigs and horses
  • The pen stay smoking and I ain’t talking dabs or hash hits
  • Crack heads more than bats can
  • Stand back get dragged from tractors until your skin resembles a manwich
  • Turn your body into a salami sandwich fuck rapping
  • I’m amping damnit I could battle without practice and still be champion
  • Your soft like Travis I’ll split your cabbage with a axe standing
  • Your manic like a faggot your a savage sleeping on a dirt for a mattress
  • How can you you manage to win the end against vherses is caskets

Cookin' something up, just wait a sec...