Battles user953483357 vs Tewsly
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Tewsly won this battle!
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- You talking about how I'm the lowest,but ain't you the brokest,you got no money,no fame, no home to tame that so sad that you want to hate now I gotta blaze you in this game,last night you pulled up with your gang talking all this shit about some hate, and you got mad pulled a switch then a raise my blick and I din't miss
- //Verse 1 Justiceproctor
- Who do I hate the most.
- Not some rapper or late night talk show host.
- It's the one doing the most wicked acts under our nose.
- The ones that say we got freedom but every time we use they come for our throats.
- The ones that don't pay the ones fueling society enough, but still want us to vote.
- But not a single leader has changed shit besides the meaning of paper.
- The government is leading us to a major
- Blindness , a case of
- Stupidity, they blame the warm weather on us instead of humidity.
- They tell to change but won't change isn't that strange , how they got no humility.
- They raise themselves up to gods and limit what we are taught.
- They don't teach the constitution so eventually they can't be faught.
- They tell us to think a certain way and insert lies onto our brain till the truth is lost.
- They sex traffic children for satanic rituals.
- And to ship to countries to have a reason to fight and then hire manic generals.
- To spread panic amoung innocent individuals.
- Do you think I'm making shit up, well listen here.
- How can we the technology we have and kids still dissappear.
- How can our soldiers not know why they fight?!
- They are just told to protect the country, they have to take some lives.
- But oh sure let's not question it. No need for closure, or testing shit.
- I just hope the truth gets out and they rest in piss.
- //Verse 2 tewsly
- Cause these rappers are pissed, since you think you're a star with your chest
- You should strap up with a vest, got kicked out the bar cause you steal some bars, let's play chess
- I won't act like I'm the best, but don't act like I won't snap, act like you don't look back
- To attack and tackle the shackles n' map of my work, fags run around
- And they can't round up every single round that we have been goin', you say you spit facts
- Well prove it then with all these back ass lags, blacken the picture,
- As mad as he is he couldn't be bigger and pullin' the trigger, actin innocent but
- He has a finger on the trigger, be flatter that you've flatten and your album
- Is a bumful fall so I put you in the ringer, and make sure this random mix
- Hits him a dumful way, so I create new syllables for you to use, and yet this phantom
- Wants to use up the lines I reciprocate n' replicate the success rate
- That you've been begin' to steal, complex the power flex in these miniature fakes
- And they come around and take these steel lyrics and used them against you to act like it's true
- If you want to stay true to me n' you, stop sealin' these lines as yours in the vault
- Cause later on they will blame you for the fault of stealin' there greatest lines
- So take this message as a favor before rappers like me take you through the taste of lies
- Inside your own lines because you had to mess with us like your a
- //End of song