Blog > how to rap > 10 Ways To Become a Famous Rapper

10 Ways To Become a Famous Rapper

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Below is a list of tips and tricks on similarities I've noticed from artists who are famous. You can either incorporate all of them or a few of them. This list is a rewritten version of a similar post on RapGenius by MonsterIslander. This list doesn't include the obvious things such as practice and using RapPad.

  1. Get a crew or a DJ. This doesn't have to be a group of rappers but people that will help you reach your goals if they believe in you. A local known DJ can help you out a long way. A rapper and DJ team speaks volumes.

  2. Have a gimmick; something about your style or personality that is unique to you. Onyx, Wu-Tang, Cypress Hill have had a good gimmick to grab people's attention.

  3. Become part of a group or a movement. In the industry a lot rappers were part of a rap group or collection of rappers that got fame.

  4. Features from a pro. Link up with a known underground rapper to do a track. Sometimes this will cost money, but it could be a good investment.

  5. Make a music video out of your song. Videos are more engaging, period. Just look at Lil Dickie.

  6. Have a signature sound. A style that no one else has, unique to you, and most importantly sounds good! No main stream rappers have the same sound. EPMD was a rap group with no gimmick but had a strong signature sound.

  7. Don't rely too much on your viral buddies. Your pals on the internet are going to say you're dope but you want to sell to people that don't know you. Don't beg people to listen to your shit. This is just annoying and will make people like you less.

  8. Build local buzz in your hometown. If you're in a city or town with a music scene then try to get your name out there. Participate in local events around music, such as an open mic.

  9. Don't rely too much on the mixtape game. Nobody knows you and you wanna drop a mixtape. How would someone differentiate your mixtape from your official album. Focus on a single hit or EP instead.

  10. Invest in good equipment. If your broke, no one wants to hear it. Stop rapping on your laptop computer.

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