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Best Audio Editing Software For Rappers

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If you're looking to record a rap song I'll give you the best apps in each category. There are lots of alternatives - you can see an exhaustive list of all the digital audio workstation software on Wikipedia.

However, in this post I'll cut the cruft and just give you the best recommendations from my experience so you can get straight to recording and not having to worry about finding the best product.

These are the criteria I used:

  1. Easy to use: Is the software easy to use for a beginner? Is it designed well?
  2. Powerful: Does it have a variety of post-processing options that let you get the most out of your sound?
  3. Popular: Is it popular enough that there are lots of tutorials online? Can one learn how to use the software to its fullest by watching videos on the web?

If you're looking for other tools for rappers, check out our List of Apps Every Rapper Should Know About.

Free Software To Record A Rap


In terms of free software, Audacity is the go-to. It's relatively simple to use and comes with a handful of built-in effects and filters. I believe it's the most popular, and as such you'll find lots of tutorials on how to use it.

Paid Software To Record A Rap

Logic Pro X for Mac OSX

If you have a Mac, I would recommend Logic Studio Pro. It's designed by Apple so it's got a great interface and I've been able to find a lot of tutorials online.

Ableton Live for Windows

Ableton is great for Windows users. Although the interface is not as pretty, it's simple and gets the job done.

Let's say you're done recording and now want to share your rap on the web. You'll have to upload the audio to a website like Soundcloud or YouTube where you can then attach the recording to your RapPad rap.

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