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Connecting Soundcloud with RapPad

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The new "Connect with Soundcloud" feature allows your RapPad interactions to automatically convert to Soundcloud actions. It also allows you to take the power of the RapPad community and capture as much of it in your Soundcloud account - meaning MORE Soundcloud plays, MORE Soundcloud followers, and ultimately a bigger and better presence on the Internet.

How It Works

  1. When propping a rap with an attached Soundcloud recording, your connected Soundcloud account will like the track on Soundcloud.
  2. When following a member on RapPad, you'll also follow their Soundcloud account.

These features ONLY work if both accounts are connected to Soundcloud (for example, if someone with a Soundcloud-connected account follows you, but you haven't connected your Soundcloud account yet, then their SC account will not follow yours).

By being part of this network you're helping increase the online presence of the artists you already like on RapPad, and have the favor returned.

My goal with RapPad was always to build a strong community of artists helping other artists. This brings us a little closer to that vision.

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