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Protecting Your Songs & Copyright

By on · 5155 views

Below you'll find how RapPad handles copyright and protecting your lyrics.

RapPad offers three levels of privacy for each rap that you create.

They can be unlisted, private, or public.

Unlisted will make it not appear in the Explore section but anyone can still access it via the link. Private means that no one can access it except you. It also means you can't use the rap in any battles or cyphers, etc.

If someone can view your lyrics, then they can use them for anything they want. Just like if you ever see any video, anyone can record it with their phone, for example. There's no real way to stop this kind of behavior without preventing people from reading your lyrics in the first place.

If you don't want to risk this, set your rap to private or unlisted.

RapPad does not encourage this kind of behaviour, but there is little in our power to prevent it. If you think someone is stealing your lyrics, you should post in the Admin section and an admin might view it.

If you'd like to know how RapPad uses your lyrics, please review the Terms of Use.

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