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Tips on Sharing Your Lyrics or Song

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RapPad is a great place to get feedback on your lyrics or new tracks. In this post you'll learn how to get people to check out your work.

Spam a link to your rap everywhere

This is probably what you're already doing. Although this isn't a terribly bad way to get exposure, it's not recommended. Spamming your link everywhere will get some people to check out your link. However, sooner or later you're going to be the boy who cried wolf. By the first or second time you do this, people will start to get a feel for the kind of lyrics/songs you write. They'll realize that every link your share is probably going to be about the same. They won't even bother anymore and they'll probably get annoyed at you. This tarnishes your reputation, which is the opposite of what you want. This leads to my next point.

Build a reputation

This is probably the most important element of getting people to want to see your work. Think about when Eminem drops a new track - you want to check it out because of his reputation. He has a reputation for creating good music but it doesn't end there. Through music he's able to broadcast the kind of person he is. Building a good reputation is more than just sharing your songs. You should allow people to get to know you as a person. Use your lyrics to tell stories about your life. This will get your audience to start to get to know you. The bottom line is that if people like you as a person, they're more likely to check out your music.

Ways to build a reputation

I mentioned earlier you can build a reputation by telling personal stories in your raps. There are other ways too. The Discuss section on RapPad is full of different people that discuss more than just hip hop. The longer you spend there, the more and more people will begin to get to know you. In fact, some people don't even write raps, yet they have already built a reputation. You best believe that when someone like that posts a rap, everyone is sure to check it out. Also keep an eye on the number of users online - you want to look for feedback at a time when most users are on.

Cater to expectation

When people are aware of what kind of content you're advertising, they may be more likely to check it out. Don't just share a link to your rap, instead you should let the people know what to expect. Briefly describe what the song is about, what it means to you, and any other interesting facts that went on during its creation. Another way is by participating in events such as the RapPad cypher. The cypher usually has a general theme, and so when people check out the Cypher they are expecting content to be of a certain form. When you notice people are looking around for a certain kind of content, then cater to that and begin creating that kind of content. That way you're making something that people already have an interest for instead of trying to build interest around something you create.

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