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What an EPK is and why YOU should create one

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An EPK (Electronic Press Kit) is a digitized resume used by artists for promoters, labels, sponsors and other potential business opportunities. It’s essentially a short e-book(2-20 pages) that you will use to market yourself as an artist.

Now I will come out the gate straightforward— if you’re a person who has no experience with performances, notable collaborations or progress within the industry at all, an EPK isn’t something you should be focused on. An EPK is designed for someone who’s already stepped foot into their chosen industry but is looking to branch further connections.

When creating an EPK, the primary focuses should be detail and aesthetic. Most people organize their press-kit in a similar format to an essay. Starting with an introduction (cover page, short bio), moving into the body (pictures, extended bio, links, etc) and ending with an conclusion (contact information, credits).

When writing your EPK you want to be detailed but short and to the point. Don’t provide pointless details and a life story. Explain how you got to where you are today and the path you chose to take. Don’t make note of every venue or show you’ve done in the intro— if you feel it necessary give bookings/performances it’s own section within the EPK.

Creating an EPK can happen numerous ways. You may use services such as or you can make your own/have someone do it for you.

Just because it’s an “electronic” press-kit does not mean you’re limited to the digital world. This is one of the reasons creating your own EPK is an advantage over a website-based resume. A properly formatted EPK can be printed out to showcase your resume in person, at a meeting, or by mail.

If you’re creating your own EPK (photoshop, word, etc. > PDF)… You want to present your press-kit in the most creative yet professional manner you can come up with. You want your EPK design to be sleek and not clustered. Find a FREE commercial font to use and plan how you will map your EPK, page by page.

What you don’t want to do is blowup your 300x300p logo across a 8.5/11in page.

What you don’t want to do is have spelling and grammar mistakes spread over a shitty metal texture from 1998.

Scour the internet (or your brain) and come up with a 2-6 color palette to “theme” your EPK around. This color scheme will provide more unison to your resume while keeping it entertaining rather than a wall of black text.

*Take into consideration colors and how they affect the mind. Throughout business red is used to grab the eyes attention. Blue is used to represent trust and dedication. Purple wealth and fortune, etc.

Keep in mind through this whole process you’re creating a key. The lock is the person or business you’re presenting it to. You’re trying to sell yourself as an artist, in order to do so you need a selling point. What do you have that the next person doesn’t? What have you done that the next person hasn’t? What do you have to offer, that isn’t “lyricism” or “rap skill” like everyone else?

Consider these things as you begin to create your EPK.

For any questions, or EPK inquires feel free to contact me.

Best of luck to everyone.

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