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Battering Ram:

  1. Battering Ram:
  3. Anger, is driving the lost souls to their demise
  4. Sadness, causes it and it's no surprise
  5. You don't get it so you get mad at yourself
  6. It doesn't make sense and it doesn't really matter
  7. So you frustrate yourself and you don't ask for help
  8. But everyone needs a hand and I understand
  9. The sinking sand's sucking you in
  10. The sand of discontent and an unhappy grin
  11. We'll don't feel ashamed for not seeing the gain
  12. Turn around and sell the pain, don't put yourself down
  14. Everything people tell you that you need to know
  15. May be bullshit, yeah I get it, and it's alright to show
  16. That it's dull shit, and hey, you're not slow
  17. You just hate wasting time, I get it, you said it
  18. The clock is you're greatest foe
  19. When you're trying to understand but man you just can't
  20. That silly shit you need to manage, it makes me want to rant
  21. But just get done with it, and get it over with and then you'll look back
  22. And laugh cause math almost gave you a heart attack
  24. Just breath, and conceive a future where it's all gone
  25. All the dumb work, and quirks they force you to learn
  26. You can be your own person and decide if it's worth it
  27. Just learn shit on purpose and maybe turn it into a verse
  28. And it may be a curse to want to learn and yearn for knowledge
  29. But it's power you know, you can be smart without going to college
  30. Life skills are important too, not just equations and memorizing things that will never even help you
  31. But remember, that everything happens for a reason, and believe me, it's true, even if you never see it
  32. And you don't have to take my word, yeah you may think its absurd, but hey you're right, yeah it's a free country
  33. And I don't have all the answers, or even a lot of money but I've been through it too, same as you, and that stuff I learned I'll probably never use
  34. But it's life, and you have to accept what is required
  35. And you need to do your work even though you may be tired
  36. You're not born full of answers, so don't expect to answer everything
  37. Just be content with what you know, and over your own life, you can be king




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