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Lyrical Analysis of...

Energydriven is JASON_THE_BEST

  1. 0:20
  2. Energydriven has a fascination with getting butt fucked in prison
  3. When he talks that shit it's a really a dream of his that he envision
  4. That shit would never happen to a real motherfuckin' man like me
  5. The only fucking I've ever been involved in is me getting pussy
  6. That's something a faggot like you wouldn't know anything about
  7. Like when KatherineBlades turned you down and made you pout
  8. But that's the story of your life getting turned down and defeated by chicks
  9. It's obvious you can't get any pussy and that's the reason you take dicks
  10. For you going to prison and getting fucked would be a dream come true
  11. You're so hungry for big dicks in your ass It's a desire you can barely subdue
  12. Begging KatherineBlades to "suck your small dick" don't you have any shame?
  13. She said you make her "dryer than a desert" so a faggot is what you became
  14. I don't have to think I'm a tough guy because It's something I know for sure
  15. In that I'm secure I'm more than you could endure your Raps are pure manure
  16. As far as me leading my group I don't see anyone following a bitch like you
  17. My members are free to do as they wish it doesn't mean we aren't a crew
  18. All I have to do is make a message and they'll all come down on your head
  19. But I don't have to do that for a bitch like you I'll defeat you myself instead
  20. It's obvious to me that you're merely JASON_THE_BEST in disguise
  21. So when Jason and Jennifer Zita vote for you it wont really be a surprise
  22. Saying you're the best is like everything you said in this Rap it's all just lies
  23. You're the faggot who needs to come clean and just admit that you like guys




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