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Lyrical Analysis of...


  1. uh you're a monster
  2. na na na na na
  3. na na na na na
  4. na na na na na
  5. na na na na na
  6. "drop"
  8. yeah, you call me a monster
  9. but all you tryna do is conquer
  10. your just a bother to everyone
  11. come on bro be true
  12. all you ever do is screw up
  13. I see right through you
  14. yeah
  15. when you walk on stage everybody boos
  16. nobody likes you
  17. so why don't you just shoo off
  18. stop coughing
  19. its on my nerves
  20. or esle you'll get what you deserve
  21. yeah your a curse
  22. we all want to reverse you
  23. your just a big issue
  24. you make me wanna spew
  25. we just want continue without you
  26. you make me want to glue your mouth shut
  27. you have no luck
  28. you live in a truck
  29. who gives a fuck
  30. but anyway have a nice day




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