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Lyrical Analysis of...

Katie diss track

  1. Katie is a cannon little bitch, and I'll kick her in a ditch
  2. while I roast her with rich intonation
  3. in a savage configuration of vocabulary
  4. oh my, get out of my mind multiversal yak
  5. may I say you are a godforsaken hack absolved of happiness
  6. and such using theories as a crutch for fame, your insane more so than me
  7. hypocrisy? No, just the facts, your façade is full of cracks
  8. You are whack, I am not. Simple as that for all I care you can rot.
  9. Little Lovecraft Junior gonna cry? Might as well waste you on modern memes,
  10. considering you are one redundant piece shit, eldritch misfit.
  11. So your cannon, how does that work, made you famous for your quirk
  12. Now you'll wash up, start to twerk probably tik tok there are perks.
  13. Mabey Myspace you are peasants, you're from 2007 after all.
  14. And you seem to have the gall as a fictional being
  15. To reach through the 4th wall and attack me you heathen with the hair
  16. of Jake Paul. Bend the knee as you'll see I don't cave to amateurs
  17. Not today, Not Tomorrow, Not the heat death of the universe
  18. or your little men in black rip off multiverse marbles.
  19. I could strap you to a bed of nails and seal you to a parcel to hell. I will get
  20. the last word I'm the God damn theorizer. I'll nuke you with a tranquillizer,
  21. turn you into fertilizer, for the mort theories over promotion because I win yet
  22. again, you are nothing but an infantile dandelion, floating through existence
  23. like a filter feeder whale, minus intrigue as I've ruined you, what an epic fail




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