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Lyrical Analysis of...

Mideaval Diss Track

  1. my mill grinds, pepper and spice
  2. You’re mill grinds, rats and mice mice
  3. My hand picks, only what grows
  4. Your hand picks, only your nose
  5. My grain tastes, delightful
  6. Your grain tastes, rather frightful
  7. My mother cooks, with care,
  8. Your mother cooks, with her dirty hair
  9. My wife smells, of pure honey
  10. Your wife smells, of bad money
  11. My fields are, a sight to see
  12. Your fields are, sad to be
  13. My hat fits, like a fiddle
  14. Your hat looks, rather whimsical
  15. My king is, smart and wise
  16. Your king attracts the files
  17. My sheep will, keep us alive
  18. Your sheep will, fail to arrive
  19. My castle is tall and strong
  20. Your castle is, as small as your dong




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