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Lyrical Analysis of...

Freaky (Diddy diss)

  1. P what?!
  2. P to the diddy
  3. This shits silly
  4. Nah thats just Sean being sean
  5. First he takes a 16 year old to his crib
  6. Now he in jail for sex crimes?
  7. This bitch is crazy!!
  9. Wild
  10. Pedophile
  11. Im going big so its gonna be a while
  12. P WHAT?!
  14. P Diddy
  15. the p in the name stands for pedophile
  16. D licious got an album thats definitly got to be your favorite
  17. You working two jobs from Nine to five
  18. Sometimes I cant believe your still alive
  19. Lets get freaky
  20. Its gonna Bust
  21. Im putting it into and i trust
  22. That you wont give that shit away
  23. Fucking a what?
  24. A minor
  26. Wild
  27. Pedophile
  28. Im going big so its gonna be a while
  29. P WHAT?
  31. P to the diddy
  32. This guy is shitty
  33. Im spitting these bars
  34. Like kendrick lamar
  35. Dont give me a spar
  36. Im good
  37. P dawg bro
  38. You say you can rap but all you can do is mumble
  39. It just got worse bro quit rap im humble!
  40. Shut the fuck up
  41. You lil pussy
  42. Big boy P
  43. You get can on my D
  44. You like kids?
  45. Bet your best buddies with drake
  46. You and him (What a long ass snake?)
  47. Hell no bro this shits gay as fuck
  48. The fact your still rapping is all just luck
  50. Yeah there’s lots more i could say
  51. But bitch you are just so gay
  52. Im done you weird ass prick




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