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Lyrical Analysis of...


  1. At the end of the day I’m my worst enemy cuz I let em in /
  2. an god endowed me these gifts with my pen/
  3. Satan tried to pull wool over my eye blind me shroud me in sin /
  4. had me in doubt
  5. you see how it ends out in the mourning /
  6. the selfishness of my grief /enough of the ambien gin /
  7. pan back the camera lense my head on a swivel which way do I turn when /
  8. I get the spins /
  9. hungover I’m on a binge /time to get hammered again /
  10. migraine in my head I can’t forget /or forgive me taking for granted times spent /
  11. each loss is a lesson I don’t understand how I withstand all these hits /
  12. I can’t repent for what I did cuz we both lead lifespan with no damn regrets/
  13. gotta learn to let live and let die /
  14. in denial I swam now I accept/




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