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Lyrical Analysis of...
Just Preserving My Energy
- What have I been up to? Well lately I've been observing
- Wondering learning, but this Rap is just confirming
- That people suck at being humans and that's pretty concerning
- But I'm done wasting my time my energy I'm preserving
- My energy I'm preserving on myself I be saying this
- I ain't wasting my time on stupid worthless relationships
- Men be putting these mid to low level bitches on a pedestal
- That ain't sensible, that's what happens when you don't get plentiful
- When you put her high up there making her taller than you
- She starts to look down on you and the bitch ain't falling for you
- She can't respect you as a man because you ain't the man
- She views you like a bitch like she is how she placed it to
- So all this simping for average bitches who aren't deserving
- Is causing more harm than good the damage is disturbing
- You end up with arrogant women who overestimate
- They overestimate they value while they underestimate
- You and what you are and what you can do they try to exclude
- Men always have to prove while they feel not to try to improve
- So she can act rude misbehaving and still a successor
- There's no consequences so she can do whatever
- Most men are dumb as fuck a bitch can be ugly as fuck
- To them she's a 10/10, gorgeous, and lovely it's dumb
- And all these pathetic dudes their only plan
- Is subscribing to some obscene bitches OnlyFans
- Either that or jerking off too adult content stuff playing
- Watching a man fuck the bitch you want your a cuck craving
- More of this and now it's wreck havoc on your intelligence
- I'm just writing some raw facts I'm glad it is so insensitive
- But it's really not, I ain't dating because now dating is stupid
- I'm a happily single man who can see that lately it's useless
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