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Lyrical Analysis of...


  1. Verse:
  2. I Wake up and hop out
  3. today ain't feeling right
  4. no doubt, nutha day of school
  5. anutha fight
  6. Man i gotta get away
  7. from this pool of fri ight
  8. why do i feel like this
  9. everyday and every ni ite
  10. I walk in those doors
  11. and get hit with
  12. a dose of stage fri ght
  13. Too many people
  14. different kinds
  15. I get terrifi ied
  16. Im goin out of my mi ind
  17. I guess ill neva fit in
  18. these people just arent my type
  19. Chorus:
  20. Verse:
  21. Why Am I
  22. So Differently Wired
  23. I feel like
  24. im an alien not
  25. from this world
  26. I get inspired
  27. thats how these rhymes
  28. emerge on my pad
  29. From my mind
  30. which is a complex lab
  31. now i know why i feel inclined
  32. to warn you to stay away before
  33. I snap.




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