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Lyrical Analysis of...


  1. You make no sense
  2. Your life is a bitch without lenses
  3. You throw parties without enough mula
  4. You retrograde cause you lack future
  5. Your work is pretty clumsy
  6. Now let me focus at your actions
  7. Sadly you are always grounded
  8. Your ideas are dead never mounting
  9. Slow down, I’m the predator, your ideas aren’t counting
  10. Pathetic and stupid you sound
  11. Let it be the last order
  12. My gang is me, and I aren’t over
  13. Your ugly agenda is fictitious
  14. Now that you are running free I’m still suspicious
  16. You aren’t moving forward you only retrograde
  17. You try all your best to keep moving
  18. But, everything retrogrades
  20. Your convictions aren’t appealing
  21. Caught on the move while revealing
  22. The date aren’t stopping, maybe you put a stop
  23. Lost in the woods forever, the nature is fucking clever
  24. Cancel that, repost the dirty ones
  25. Magnum after magnum till you lose your brains
  26. I ride for life, life fucks you up
  27. Bring memories to the doors
  28. Empty rooms full of lights and shadows
  29. Reverse your expectations
  30. And create another illusion
  31. Wonder why things won’t work!
  32. Juggling things for the best
  33. Making money like the rest
  34. Cause shoplifting aren’t the best
  35. Till you suffocate in your sleep
  36. The only fear is your fears




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