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Lyrical Analysis of...


  1. show the sorrow no tomorrow
  2. happiness just cant be borrowed
  3. feeling puzzled in a daze
  4. i know its confusing you
  5. family's always on the move
  6. always gotta hear the news
  7. we try to isolate these feelings but somehow it only grew.
  8. the harder that we tried to run
  9. the more it fell on you.
  10. all the conflict growing up that you just had to witness.
  11. your parents don't want you to see and asked for your forgiveness.
  12. nobody wants this for you, between you and me,
  13. but things have only gotten worse as you can freakin see
  14. whenever your feeling down just listen to me,
  15. so i had to write this verse like this in soliloquy.
  16. but its just something we have no control over and thats just destiny.
  18. i got a funny feeling, it comes from deep inside
  19. i get all angry and mad
  20. wanting to go and hide.
  21. my doc calls it depression
  22. my ma says its just me
  23. but the thoughts and feelings
  24. no one will be able to see.
  25. some say im psycho, most say im weird
  26. its like im a different person and the old me disappeared
  27. i get really edgy, i wanna die real bad
  28. then i get a headache, followed by being sad,
  29. i wish i could get help, i wish it would go away,
  30. maybe if i started praying then it will someday.




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