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  1. I dont really know what to say, I remember everything like it was fuckin yesterday
  2. You make a nigga's night turn day, Can't deny I used to cry in my room from missing you
  3. I gotta tell you that my love is true, feelings may fade but your memories stay true
  4. Hope your happy with him,
  5. And I can't breath when I'm high cause the airs too thin, Would've gave you everything
  6. Questioning the whole meaning, just tell me did I mean anything?
  7. One minute I hate you, one minute I love you, right now I'm writing and feeling them both
  8. Ever wonder exactly where the sun goes, How can I feel so fucking lonely
  9. Everyone who said they cared isnt there. Every pic I see is you and him
  10. Cant stop thinking about you
  11. You ain't never shed light on nothing that I'm going through
  12. And what’s worse is before this, I had worshiped you, Can't decide if I love ya or hate
  13. We both teenagers with the same mind state, how can you use me like it was nothing
  14. Acting like you real or something, how are you okay with what you did
  15. The shit is so bare, my diary isn't hid, ripped out my heart you abused and you used it
  16. And, uh, I don’t know what keeps me alive, shit. The day I caught feelings I swear it was the best day
  17. But I ain't get to see you today, I spilled my heart opened my chest, your shutting me out
  18. I try to be the guy, you think about, been barely believing in love
  19. Still don't know if I do, but if someone was to make me believe its you
  20. And if I do you better come through, I swear I'll always love you girl, but in the end the closest to you are snakes
  21. Maybe we wasn't on the same page or maybe you a fake
  22. And this happened when I was in the eighth grade
  23. And If I should die before I wake every youngin out there don't trust anyone
  24. My minds gone evil. She changed with the season Don't make my mistakes




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