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Lyrical Analysis of...

Fish Guts

  1. Walking backwards in the shadow of Death.
  2. I play these games but there is no ref.
  3. No rules in this kingdom once blessed.
  4. No shame found in the rest.
  5. The prince of calamity manipulates stress.
  6. He has fallen so far.
  7. With mangled legs he cannot climb.
  8. To flip a coin is to turn a phrase.
  9. To lift a hand is to raise a rhyme.
  10. But to turn your back is an atrocious crime.
  11. So look forwards and bow to no one.
  12. Demand praise for your lines and show them fun.
  13. A knife to gut the fish, and a life one wouldn't wish.
  14. A gun to make them pay.
  15. In my next rhyme I'll blacken the day.




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