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Lyrical Analysis of...


  1. Girl, You make my heart go savage
  2. How can you manage
  3. To be so plain and yet so complex
  4. I'm not the best but I'm not below average
  5. and you still got me damaged
  6. and every night its like the same scene right?
  7. Me trying to get at you and you trying to be nice
  8. these eyes are only for you yet you say
  9. I'm looking at other girls
  10. and My mind is telling to give up
  11. but my heart is telling me just friends just isn't enough
  12. and im just trying to break these cuff's
  13. do I have to kill myself just to get your love?
  14. Love love what is love?
  15. Is it me wanting you even when you treat me rought
  16. or when you piss me off
  17. like when you left me for another bluff
  18. 6 months, I'm still trying to get over you
  19. I still see your face on my soup
  20. My pirsuit of life has been on the mute
  21. and your name has caused so many feuds
  22. so many girls so many cupids
  23. but none of them made me feel the way you did
  24. you stayed on my mind like a good movie
  25. and you're the only reason I kept moving
  26. But i'm still lost




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