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Lyrical Analysis of...


  1. welcome to make out hill where everyone are loved where
  2. everyone are happy where everyone live in peace where everyone
  3. are cared about but sadly this isn't real sadly this isn't real
  4. sadly this isn't real hmm
  5. I dont want to have to deal with this life just give me a knife and ill end it
  6. in this world every teenager is sad in this world every teen wants to die (dieeee)
  7. time does fly by thats true but not necessarily when you dont have shit to do
  8. I feel pain it must be that voodoo shit I feel pain it must be
  9. that voodoo shit yeah and im the puppet and im the puppet
  10. I thought I was the toughest turns out I was actually the dumbest
  11. sadly I dont trust anybody last time i did i was hurt badly
  12. sadly i dont live in fancy home in cali sadly I live in a crappy house
  13. in a crappy city living a crappy life and i just want to be out of here
  14. welcome to make out hill where everyone are loved where
  15. everyone is happy where everyone lives in peace where everyone
  16. are cared about but sadly this isn't real sadly this isn't real
  17. sadly this isn't real hmm
  18. these boys steal these boys kill and im the complete oppisste instead I
  19. feel instead I wanna disappear im going to be 100% real I dont like all
  20. the drama but I gotta put up with it I only started but I already wanna quit
  21. this shit is stupid i need a rubrik on life cause I dont know what im doing
  22. its confusing people are always assuming the worst our world is cursed
  23. thats why im going to make out hill
  24. welcome to make out hill where everyone are loved where
  25. everyone are happy where everyone live in peace where everyone
  26. are cared about but sadly this isn't real sadly this isn't real




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