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Lyrical Analysis of...

Real Discorvery

  1. first rap huh alright I'll take it easy,
  2. take it easy your crazy, your suppose to be blazing these other G's hoe,
  3. wow yo take it easy just relax.
  5. Alright, think I'm crazy talking to myself? Na not even even though I walk around the room pacing,
  6. thoughts racing through my mind that brought me to this point,
  7. what point?
  8. the point whether I should appoint a manger a roll a joint a risk the dissapointment,
  9. fuck it what does it matter, the sadder I get the higher I go until I rose to the top,
  10. then I realized what I finally got but when I realized it I lost it and dropped,
  11. hit the bottom, and forgot the skills to kill these G's only for the thrill.
  12. Now I got to rebuild the chilled killer within and put my skills to the test once again,
  13. now am I writing a song in this now not one bit bitch just describing the shit I've been through,
  14. the stuff I've brewed up lost and regained in this game home boy,
  15. now you say it's you first rap,
  16. you got the rhymes but take more time to study the game before you try to degrade us G's,
  17. yes it a mess as you admit but try to make it fit and you'll be set,
  18. don't try to hard just let it flow out your mind when you have the given day and time,
  19. then put that shit into a rhyme and decide and is you get somewhere with it or not,
  20. me I lost a shit tone of my skill giving up in the past when I got put down,
  21. fucking clowns sucking the dick like little bitches snitches on everyone,
  22. shunned me away put me at bay but they only delayed the inevitable,
  23. cause now I'm back and lighting up stages with my lyrical miracles,
  24. stealing em back from them asses fast,
  25. So yea I relapsed but I never collapsed and now I'm back to get my skill back,
  26. discover it again and keep it, never give up and get my voice heard,
  27. you may think it's absurd I don't care, all I'll do is give you the death stare and continue walking,
  28. walking tall and proud cause I'm no longer taking the fall for these clowns I'm done.




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