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//first verse//
I cant believe these niggaz interruptin my sleep
Afta yesterday I jus bodied a evil doer emcee
If you da one that said you can take my title bitch please
I scrub out a foe on wax/ settin trapz
crank up the electrodez In the chair until they fall back
you ain doin jack
I'm in ya ear in all up in ya business like a wire tap
I get in ya brain in split it/twistin like a plat
Range season in an I got the infrared/on ya head
Then clip it like a crab/sis boom pap/itz ooh Boosh clap
When I pump not one but 2 in ya pancreac
Time me fast/ I got that thing on the holster under my armpit
Wit a tiny ass
I'm a new man now even though I had a grimy past/
Shift/in pick up/switch boatz/az itz bodiez backstrokin
Down the riva/ killa/guilla/then have the dead
rising from the grave At midnight like im in thrilla
Tonz a scrilla/im dope on all accountz
got niggaz Goin bonkaz if they can't flush me out
Trust me how/well/when im the only thing I care about
Tell/snitchez will fell// trench coat n yellow back pack
Pluckin em like data wit the pitchaz repel/ bitchez get delt
one thrust a da hamma In bodiez ill melt
like my shotty hell/ oh swell
When you in da marsh pit/on ya last bar in no help
Then I barge in/ you go for the alarm in you screetchez
Is saved by the bell
Me speak broken English can't bite if you can't spell
I read em line for line every thing you niggaz spit be merky to me
I'll put that silver bullet up in ya hotta then the sun reach mercury
You will get a big V on ya temple like Roman numerals b
You went from full to E
Like the itus when I put these turkeyz to sleep
The tightest saba tooth snappin Jerkyz who beef
They so sweet i dubb em baby cakes/ ya hate me aye?
Cuz im Rocket propulsed my flow more jettison than J-P-8
I throw niggaz in a plastic bag
afta I season em wit a box a shake n bake
Take a break
Leave this here for the proffessionalz make him late
You at an all time disadvantage like a date n rape
You sliding down a blade n landing in ocean a alcohol
If I cut the brakez
Anno-tate/ my eye laze n crush em at an anvil weight/
Be on the lookout they got the signature to cut
Ya life support you in a coma state
No evidence so it ain open they go in close the case
Ya car got flipped/when I shut em down like a death race
You retards get out the way ya movin at a slow pace
I'm so unfuckwutable wit a poka face like I hol da ace
I keep comin wit the hit man is it stoppin/no
Where eva im at call me an ill be there
if i see em itz gon be some shit fit 2 /blow
Ill Go/takin niggaz headz off/jus Like a [SYMBIOTE]
//second verse//;
You azalea'z Think you chitty
silly my shitz iggy it bang a lot harda
I'll have em stretched out
waking up in a new world like John Carter
I'm in Boston with weed for the Barta
Then be in Rome takin niggaz to the whole like Sparta
I come around you dodge worse dan charga'z
im a goon for starta'z /i hang out in cavez
Causin skin canca wit one brick like sun rayz
They get heated on the spot
I step on stage they gettin 🚫 blocked/
You whole life a lie/so i high light it if itz cropped
like you been photoshopped
You all head an no gutz like robocop
Hand in my pantz/dirt bag struttin like we doin the hobo bop
You mentality the same as the dodo'z got
Ny butcha/ put ya hand in the grinda then itz gettin chopped
I'm all ova ya body with the shotz puttin itchy holez in you
Like itz chicken pox/ Hidden dot/ Good riddenz ock
Now you got blood dropping out you like applesauce
Thick as motts/Get a doc/ Hitta good-willz
bargain it at a higher price l can get a lot
Day an night pen stitched to my finga ✍ I write an jot
Don't mind goin to jail shit itz 3 hotz a bathroom in a cot
You niggaz be on my ballz like crabz/ jump off the crotch
Slouch/ leave me alone i live in a trashcan bitch
Quit askin how im such a grouch
I'm good wit the d n defense you can bring out the scoutz
My broad hard core she got mase dope weed a gun in her Pouch
I be on the block an got it on [L.O.X.] Cuz I p like stylez.
Nodoz on a red eye I need somethin for the drowz
Ouch/pure out the octane/in hydrate you wit a douse
I'm siftin thru crumz in all wit two buck teeth like a mouse
Time to suite up/ the itz who what is on the prowl
I branch like a tree/ nocturnal swoopin prey like a night owl
Who next now?/ howl!/ respeck my percentage
Get em/ if they /hit em/im quick wit it
da steel get em open
Wit finess/my photo synthesis/im hydrogenese
Then degrade em wit da saricosin
[say cheese] cybertek anomaly
Run em when I come in 1/2/3,
/skat/ itz da gat man my skit iz sweet
Where you hiding out at
Ok niggaz I'm ready olly olly oxin free
I'm fuckin up ayething wit jeanz like bisexualz
On a polly spree/ Take a look see πŸ‘€
How I diminish a rookie like crookz bookin
Top speed like they seen candy man in... Caprini green
Boo! He ...Hook... line in sink wit the bouwie
meana ya ...ryhm stink Get that shit outta here
Itz booniez
They float in stick like soot leavin if im vapin . weed kick a can oh foowey!
Heistz get coordinate originated me
For us by us πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ like f.u.b.u.
I dominate ya crew like ninja do to woo-shoo
You go from rap to rock like you U2
I send em home banged the hell up
Got they grandma πŸ‘΅ kissing boo-boo'z
Da fool.... get ya life togetha you-hoo
I got gamerz turnin they volumes up
So they won't hear you masterbatin to you tube
Smooth move ex lax be fake ass dat dude on bluez cluez
Snooze ya looze
You poke E monz play wit ya ballz
While I psych em out mewtwo
Nobody listening to ya barz funky so they mute Fannin pew!
Compatible to whip ass like Aries to a tuarus
I chuck at a Norris
Takin on men even Shannon Lee's feudin gorgeous
//third verse///
Check me out
How i disembowl emceez who wanna come around/
I get fed up pullin the enamel off they crownz
Bodiez pilin/i can flow ten x's my strength
Itz lookin like a ant mound/
Itz culprits strapped in a wherehouse gagged in bound/
with a hole in ya vest by somthin longa
Than a basset hound/
Cock n fling/bulletz gottem doin a rabbit πŸ‡ bounce/
Tragic/ how itz dammit fowl/
There goes the neighborhood/ when they wake from me
Blastin you bastadz loud/
Put em in line up ill wait wont pick em down/
Roll up on em at hiz front door in stick hiz frown/
You ain gettin away that easy pin em to da ground/
Ya wife send a search party all the while you in city hall
At the lost in found/
I spit slow or quicka then the speed a sound/
Crack ya coconut πŸ₯₯ stick a crazy straw in
and seep ya scalp/
You'll see it in the tabloidz/
Unitz deploy/
Ya whole city gettin bumrushed by a bunch a freak-a-zoidz/
I have you mutantz in the mist/ when they enter in da void/
No traces of you left/you won't exit so I keep it coy/
My barz sauce you egg foo yungz somthin soy/
Itz all men in here even though I look young
I don't know who you callin little boy/
Predator home in like beacon seekin to destroy/
Don't even toy//
I'll have em in denial how they feel bout gettin beat by
A Droid/
You will know itz me in ya secta/
when you see me in a convoy/
Wit k-9's foamin salivatin at the mouth " calm boyz,/
I do it abrupt
When a fight break out
I volcane πŸŒ‹ clearing em out like Pompeii when I errupt/
Sooth with wordz /that turn bitchez on I seduct/
You shemale emceez lookin like grace Jones[strangey]
Hey for 30 mill ill even slavem/ no food/ sitting Indian style
Like they aquire kanye/
Get wit the texture/
im underground I keep it cellaz /
While you fagz re-arrange da rap game feng Shui/
You fit to top the chartz?
You don saaaaay!
From what I hear on the radio these days?
Itz aaalll gaaay!
I'll knock em
Aaaallll waaay!/ out the frame/
All them goku'z gotta do is Cross may!
Yaallll straight πŸ”₯
These Fire ballz come loong raaange/
Then I log em in the /
This shit trekz at warp /flame/
Say anotha word imma Torque da/ gage/
Like athereal rage im throwing you off plain
The god slain/

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Member since December 23 2020

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