Another Story

• Written by 

ShaggadeliK's Notes

Beat drops at "I know your not happy"

This is another story.
It's non-fiction, based on lies...
I know you're not happy, and well, neither am I.
I don't even know why I was even brought into this life.
You see the truth is, all they wanna know is what I could do for them as
if I could never notice their motions. Well, Maybe if I take this potion it will
take away the feeling of my lack of importance and restore the ability
to push back the feelings that torment.
Don't tell me what to do, maybe I never will.
Maybe I could give in to the way the world wants me to feel
And Maybe I could resort to robbing other peoples wheels
And Maybe I could drop to my knees and scream until my sanity reappears
but what would be the point this pain cuts too deep what if it never re-heals?
Maybe I could throw it all away and make it myself that I kill.
And all they say is you could never understand the pain I went through
And all I say is I don't care I just want to disappear too
Life is all about being true, but you get offended when I see none in you
You're living life like you're a fool
But what am I saying? I am too.
An innocent kid full of love an virtue
Could probably hurt a fly, but he'd never want to hurt you
He just wants to see you knowing that your safe too
And if you ever needed anything you know that he gotchu
And Life is full of love aye, you know that's true.
At least it loves to come straight up at you.
Driven insane by what he thought could never be
Took off his belt and tried to hang from a tree.
Choked unconscious as it would seem
He saw his life as he wished it would be
Family, friends, and his love he thought true so it seems
Laughing and living happily in the sunlight of his history
And while he laughed, it played. I just called to say, I put your picture away.
And then it faded, as the wood was degraded
Fell to a sharp pain of conscious hatred
Love is just a game that our generation plays with.
And I'm tired of this pain no more I can't take it!
So the next time you ask if I'm okay then,
I'm going to have to take my boots and break your face in!
I'm so sick and tired of all this trouble that I'm fucking facing!
I just want to take a gun and pop a bullet in everyone creating em!
I just want to take all the money from everyone, set it and burn it all just for fun
Watch as they create some more as if I never tarnished one
We live in this world surrounded by fear so we run
Scream I need a hero to save me but push em away when they come
And so the next time you see me, don't even try to think of me
Just forget I exist like you haven't already and we can go about life easily
I know it hurts a little when I start to say these things
but these are just the thoughts I keep bottled in my head daily it seems
So every day I think about what life would be, if everyone but me
Just dropped dead on the sidewalks and the streets.
Sometimes I think about them being undead,
So I can re-meet everyone I had a problem with and chop off their head.
Sometimes I think about what life would be
If everyone stopped causing problems and just made some peace.
Maybe you could open your eyes and see what exactly was the burning bush
Then maybe everyone would wear the cologne called kush

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Member since February 20 2015

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