iStream36 WattPad Universe Notice

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All year of 2023... and since 2018, the IWU existed.
UnDead and Space take new heights in the IWU like never before.
The iStream36 WattPad Universe (IWU) is growing in popularity by its stories.
We will see the cast of it all the history of it of how the Virus came to be.
With the virus staying on Earth and creatures of Space being introduced
Alpha returning to the plot and a more supernatural past of Marcellus (Space
Character) comes into play. Celia tells a story on how Earth didn't have safe
waters and why it's more than Alpha to have left Earth.
Many projects coming on WattPad mean new songs on RapPad.
I hope everyone of my audience and fans of the IWU- the stories on WattPad
and songs on RapPad are ready because now season one of Space is
closing for the year we see also a Halloween story "Willy's Wonderland 2:
Sara's Palace win the vote against Eyes: The Horror Story".
So much to cover in the five phases of the IWU from a Space Undead
connection. The origins of the leave of Earth and the origins of the
Demons vs Kalimari war, to the aftermath and entirely a crossover
bringing Vecna and Alpha to deal and battle out while the Space and
Stranger Things gang figure out the evil. That's not all though.
2023 is a big year for starting the universe in order and properly. So
for after 2023 I hope my dearest audience, followers, and fans out there
coming across me enjoy everything I do because things just got wild
confirming rpequels and a crossover of UnDead's Alpha and Stranger Things's
Vecna coming together.
It's not an official crossover though I have no right to the use of the character(s)
in fact the crossover is a self-fanmade version of my UnDead villain and
Stranger Things villain.
I hope you all enjoy it all while the universe lasts with the 5 phases.
Have a nice day or night wherever you may be bye!
The music is used to tease a what I'd like to call a mind-trailer.
Anyone can imagine the trailer however they want imagine it.

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Member since November 17 2020

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