i-Verse (iStream36 Wattpad mind ...

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0:01- 0:09
Coming Soon
-Picture a Seven ships then a thin rock as an alien ship. Finally, a dark flat
land in space with a city on it.-
0:10 - 0:16
Dive into a wild adventure
-Picture A portal opening with a venom like being separating from a human
in front of it-
0:20 - 0:30
"We have to end this." Says Celia. "There's more to Alpha than you know"
says Thomas. "I need to kill." Alpha speaks.
-As you read this picture a dead Earth then seven arrow pointed ships-
0:31 - 0:39
-Picture as if a camera shows the floor moving up you see dirt moving
with three spikes out. Seeing dead you picture the camera moving at a very
fast pace to over water you see A big fin. A giant mouth. A huge tail leaping
"Alpha is unstable. I've seen him and he won't stop till he stops all of
humanity existing." Says Marc a.k.a. Aries.
-Terror takes to the void-
Picture an ancient portal in shape of circle with a zombie couple in front of it.
Chased by a flying snake with no eyes a mouth for a head.
"When there's death, there's always death." Miva's voice with reader
picturing Celia dying on a alien planet. Aries in whiteness surrounded
by visible atoms floating in nothingness.
1:01 - 1:30
-The Journey-
A bear scratching a teen man in a fire around them.
The teen getting choked by a shadow creature. "I have to get back."
"Are you really my dad?" says Johnathon.
Picture the teen going down a waterfall then
through a wave in a storm on a raft.
1:32 - 1:54
-Will end-
Picture a zombie Alpha on ground crawling. Thomas as a demon possessing
him cracking and breaking anything left inside that's living in Alpha.
Xeva with an army of faceless mouthed snakes (Skylers)
Xeva explodes shouting. Celia in Antarctica with a lit flare. A Virus
controlled by Alpha spreading and killing people and plants quickly
in an instant.
-The universe starts all-
Alpha's spirit in an alien body disappearing with Aries in the white.
ArachnoWoman's logo of an A in a W shows and finally,
-Picture all fades black showing next text-
-In 2023-
The I-Verse is born. Also known as the iStream36 WattPad Universe.
I hope all enjoyed the Mind Trailer for the universe on Wattpad owned by me,
iStream36. If any don't like, do like, love, or hate let me know why. I'd love to
hear what you think on it. Stranger Things has had Running Up That hill
for a massive comeback before the Finale and Sweet Dreams is the last for
the I-verse. Have a nice day or hight wherever you may be. BYE! :)

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About the Artist

Member since November 17 2020

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