OVERSTAYENCY (F_CKED) [2nd verse...

• Written by 

John_Though's Notes

the 1st verse: rappad.co/rap/1114279

written before the invasion of Ukraine by forces of Putin's regime

"OVERSTAYENCY (F_CKED)" by John Doe (John Though) is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0.

grass blA̲des growing, birds
flying, sun shining, fays, unicorns (that's wack)
the pyro in their fake universe (in the dark)
but with no flA̲methrower borne (alack)
[a lack]
against the scout that's to basically hurt (attack)
[to those not familiar with "TF2": watch "Meet the Pyro" & "Meet the Scout"]
like an arcade or a porch, you better tA̲ke cover or
get an umbrella, but, unlike grunts engaged in a war
I don't mean aviation support
precipitation alert; sky's opaque, thunder's heard
the regime's rain's gonna pour on your parade; like the hoar–
–colored taxi straight from a work–
–shop, a TAC brigade's rushing your/squad's hastening your
[Daniel Morales' taxi car; taxes trait; attack]
way, so, before it's too late, you'd prefer
to vacate; the task force is soon to be taking your door
off like a maid's underskirt, with a chainsaw, I sur–mise (vrin vrin!)
then, once a habitation of yours is penetrated, you're su[ɔ]re
gonna get laid, but, of course, with your face to the floor
sorry in case this one hurts (you or your morals)
although a way I'd refer to that is as rape intercourse
'cause you get taken by force (task force)
you're f_cked, to convey in 2 words
like a reigner's escort, there's gonna be arranged a damn court
but in place of a board–ing house, you're in for incarceration just for
a bunch of deviational words
or, one where I'm like "slam on the brakes of the world/Earth
time to get off" like when you're at a given place with the purp.
of donating your sperm, a ri̲sque snap
containing a church/kirk (hangry legion)
[good luck finding blasphemy here]
in the back, or other impish jabs akin to that
but that's a relA̲[ei]tively mer–/but that, in a way, is a mer–
–cisome case, in the worst
you might end up, in the vein of a firm
turned financially depleted, shot down [shut down]
in the wake of a storm
like that guy from Yekaterinburg (Vladimir Taushankov)
and, according to their subsE̲quent announ–
–cement, everything was played by the terms (yeah, right)
["by the book" expression]
which is like how
"to make your cheeks shake" means "to twerk" (terms)
unless you're about
women-intimidating, of course (chicks)
an ungentlemanlike segU̲E̲ to one more
issue needing to be given
some place in the verse
"DV"; "when there'll bE̲ some–
[pronounce/read it like "DViwen"]
–body slain, then report" (great approach! max help!)
[Max, help!]
prescribed, like a painkilling cu[ɔ]re
in the thoughtless state's motto to[–]ward
it, hence, though this is bloody plain like a board
for chopping, meat hooks get into violent play; killing floor (got it?)
with the latter being away like Beijing-Indore
[a way]
you've got a "Nineteen Eighty-Four" course
like damnation enforced/occurred
yet the damn nation's dispersed
the way about half of it behaves is perverse
an insatiable skirt with being dominated secu[ɔ]red
in the blamed bones of hers
which seem to be adamantium, which makes it no short
of an unbreakable quirk; laced like a cor–
–set, restrained by the gorge, f_cked, raped to the core
but not seeming to com–plain getting more
just what a dic–tator lusts for; a verbal il–lustration in terms
of being just a population, not more; hopelessly tamed like a herd
of blasted sheep, but playing on words, in the wake of a burst
you've got a unit of a navy submerged (ship, blasted)
[believe it or not, but this piece had been written before the Moskva took a water nap]
which is also a way I would port–
–ray the situation in short; a painting by words
despite all the wrongs the knaves have performed
there are still mindless zombies getting pro–
–Pestville-TV-fed & those
deciding to be wearing rose
colored glasses; walking bags of flesh & bones
like junk, on the shelf; compost
to the thriving dictatorship
in that lethargic, ultraundersta[ɛ]nding mode
despite the outrageous syst.
stuff like the above & the Idokopas-set abode
linked to that rotten ex-KGBist (rotten, berg)
[cagey/cage a beast]
[was] rather unbereft of gold
[had] a Las Vegas taste to it
by dint of a ga[ɛ]mbling zone
[had] a lounge with a stage equipped
with an absolutely unsuggestive pole
something's gonna get raised, a tip
like some extra dough
as a sign of one's favor; ge[ɪ]t
some shots for a centerfold
if you fancy getting a prize (skrrt)/don't wanna end up empty-handed
but with jesting aside/jesting sh_t abandoned
he must think he's exceptional
to him & his men that hold
their henchman roles, all those nether folks
are nothing but expendables

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