Jail cell SethTheSpitter F.t Gen...

• Written by  • Featuring GenXjeezy

Locked in a cell, living in hell,
Time stands still, can't break the spell.Concrete walls, cold as ice,
Lost in this place, paying the price.
Jail, a prison without a key,
No freedom here, just misery.
Every day feels like a year,
Wishing for a way out of here.
Bars and chains, a daily grind,Lost in the system, losing my mind.
Dreams fade away, hopes crushed,
In this place, dreams turn to dust.
Jail, a prison without a key,
No freedom here, just misery.
Every day feels like a year,Wishing for a way out of here.
Locked up, can't see the light,
Every day, it's a fight.Jail, a place of regret,
Ain't no escape, just debt.
Behind these walls, loneliness grows,
Ain't no place for dreams to sow.
Locked in this cell, can't find peace,
In this place, hope starts to cease.
Jail, a prison without a key,
No freedom here, just misery.
Every day feels like a year,
Wishing for a way out of here.
Jail, a place of despair,
Freedom lost, beyond repair.
Prison walls, a heavy load,
In this place, dreams erode.
Fuck jail it sucks I've been there over 10 fucking times
I've also been to State Prison for my various crimes
One time I was actually charged with attempted murder
I was totally wasted and beat a motherfucker it was all a blur
I got it lowered to aggravated assault which was lucky for me
Evidence was loose so I copped a plea and in 2 years I was free
One time I was doing a 6 month stint in county jail
I got in a fight and in this fight I would totally prevail
He fuckin' sucker punched me and thought that would end the fight
It didn't phase me and he had to get his upper lip sewn back on that night
I showed him my might and fucked his face up purely for spite
Fuckin' with me wasn't too bright because I hit like dynamite
If you go to jail you better be able to handle your own in the zone
Because if you can't Bubba gonna get you and give you the bone
The fuckin' food in there isn't fit for a motherfuckin' dog
You don't get much and what you do get tastes like a log
You gonna need to know how to play either Spades or Hearts
And you never play for money if you have any smarts
You gonna need that money for commissary to eat
Because what the jail feeds you is is for real incomplete
Without money for commissary you gonna starve to death
Plus if you can't pay your gambling debt you gonna take your last breath
It's a dangerous place that stinks and it's boring as shit
If you don't stay fit and use wit you gonna get hit out in the pit
If I said, "you better quit doin' crime" that would make me a hypocrite
Take it from me and don't get caught because what I'm sayin is legit
Locked in a cell, living in hell,
Time stands still, can't break the spell.
Concrete walls, cold as ice,
Lost in this place, paying the price.
Jail, a prison without a key,
No freedom here, just misery.
Every day feels like a year,
Wishing for a way out of here.
Bars and chains, a daily grind,
Lost in the system, losing my mind.
Dreams fade away, hopes crushed,
In this place, dreams turn to dust.
Jail, a prison without a key,
No freedom here, just misery.
Every day feels like a year,
Wishing for a way out of here.
Locked up, can't see the light,
Every day, it's a fight.
Jail, a place of regret,
Ain't no escape, just debt.
Behind these walls, loneliness grows,
Ain't no place for dreams to sow.
Locked in this cell, can't find peace,
In this place, hope starts to cease.
Jail, a prison without a key,
No freedom here, just misery.
Every day feels like a year,
Wishing for a way out of here.
Jail, a place of despair,
Freedom lost, beyond repair.
Prison walls, a heavy load,
In this place, dreams erode.
Feel free to modify or add more verses to suit your style!
another song about shit u shouldnt do or u will end up in jail
Memory updated
Here's a song about things you shouldn't do, or you'll end up in jail:
Listen up, gotta stay wise,
Don't wanna end up behind those bars and ties.
Crime ain't the way, that's a fact,
Gotta stay on track, avoid that trap.
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time,
Stay on the right side, life's no crime.
Think before you act, that's the key,
Avoid jail time, stay free.
Drugs and guns, a dangerous game,
Quick thrill, but it's all the same.
Robbin' and stealin', ain't the life to choose,
Ends in jail, that's the news.
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time,
Stay on the right side, life's no crime.
Think before you act, that's the key,
Avoid jail time, stay free.
Violence and hate, only bring pain,In jail, it's all in vain.
Respect the law, respect yourself,
Stay on the right path, for your health.
Fraud and schemes, ain't the way to go,Easy money, but it's a heavy blow.
White-collar crime, no victimless game,Ends in jail, all the same.
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time,
Stay on the right side, life's no crime.
Think before you act, that's the key,
Avoid jail time, stay free.
Jail's no joke, ain't no place to be,
Stay on the right side, stay free.
Think before you act, that's the key,
Avoid jail time, stay free.

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Member since January 29 2024

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