Keep It 100

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Niggas always be talkin about shit they ain't knowin
They the kind of pussy's who be actin out of emotion
They be doubtin when another nigga says he does somethin
Then when the shit gets for real they be the first nigga runnin
When I say I did somethin it's guaranteed the shit did happen
Ain't no need for actin I only spit true shit when I be rappin
Call me King_Criminal and know that I'm at the pinnacle
None of you niggas can touch me because I'm invincible
I don't give one single fuck about none of y'alls feelings
All you need to know is I keep it 100 in all of my dealings
All of you niggas is crazy if you think I know the meaning of fear
You only fooling yourself if you think I wont make you disappear
I see a whole lot of shit talkers on this site so let me be clear
Crime is my career and if I have to hurt you it's gonna be severe
Since I joined this site I've been through alot of profiles and checked
So far I've only come across one who deserves my respect
That's a subject we'll have to wait and get into another time
As a criminal I can tell who the ones are that've really done crime
The great majority of you niggas just talk a whole lotta shit
You gonna disrespect the wrong nigga and get your head split
From what I've seen on this site there's alot of niggas actin stupid
From reading the shit they be sayin it makes me think they're deluded
So I'm sure there's gonna be some dumb nigga who don't like what I say
This is just the beginning and I have no qualms about ruining your day
So settle in for the long haul because I ain't going nowhere
If you wanna be my opp then you need to prepare and beware
Just know I am the real deal I ain't no motherfucking joke
I do and say as I please and and I damn sure ain't afraid of the smoke

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About the Artist

Member since July 15 2024

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