A Review Of HarryTrevPev's Album...

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Hey everyone, that one review guy here
I'm here to review a new album by HarryTrevPev
He has made great albums so far, I think he's pretty good
One of the better rappers on here without a doubt, no glazing or meat riding
The description doesn't really tell me much about the album
Anyway, let's get into the project
//Track 1: I Got It Now FT. KO-Doomzday//
This is a great intro track, the lyricism they both bring is fantastic
Harry's verses are dense and packed with meaning, the flow on them
is fantastic, KO's verse is great and shows a high level of technical ability
And grasp on his craft, a fantastic intro without a shadow of a doubt
Overall: 8.9/10
//Track 2: Galaxies Apart FT. SHD//
Another incredible track and fantastic feature
Very lyrically dense and crazy track, SHD's verse is very good
Showing his insane writing ability and complex rhyme schemes
Harry's verse is also fantastic, bringing more of his dense wordplay
To this track
Feeling a: 8.9/10
//Track 3: Loves Blues/Crossroads//
Fantastic track, bringing some great storytelling and rhyming at the same
Time, the dense wordplay and rapping is still present with some
Incredible storytelling, I haven't seen him do in a long time
This track may be an improvement of the previous two tracks
I'm giving it a: 9/10
//Track 4: Childish Issues//
This track is just sad and depressing, go read it, I can't describe it
//Track 5: 21-04-06//
Another depressing track, very vulnerable and open
The storytelling is unmatched, some of the best lyricism I've seen on here
The flows are incredible and ever changing, quite short but
It doesn't take away from the track, I think it's perfect
Overall: 9.8/10
//Track 6: 17 Minutes//
This track is more of one long verse rather than a track
And does it work, the lyricism and wordplay is top-notch 'n unmatched
The flows are insane and head spinning at times but still enjoyable
One underrated thing about Harry is, the lack of awkward bars
He has completely filtered them out of his writing nd they're non-existent
Feeling a: 9.5/10
//Track 7: Bonus Track- Heatwave FT. KO-Doomzday//
A short and sweet track to close the album out
Really just KO and Harry having fun on this track and that's great
The quality of the bars is fantastic, the lyricism and flows are great
The overall feel of this track feels like bragging done right
Overall: 9.1/10
Harry doesn't miss in terms of lyricism, it's always great 'n has a level of
introspection and self-awareness, some may feel it's too much at times
But it doesn't really feel preachy or pretentious, it's great writing
Feeling a: 9.7/10
Flows are as expansive as ever, never boring or repetitive
Fantastic and ever-changing, the flow is used to show emotion and feelings
It's always great, never mid or bad, he has such good flow, no meat riding
Overall: 9/10
It's one of the more cohesive albums in his discography
But that's probably due to the fact it's only 7 tracks long
Shorter albums usually more cohesive than longer albums like RAT
But he really does well in tying all the tracks up under one concept
Feeling a: 8.2/10
Another more consistent thing, though again, that can be attributed to
the length of the album, all of the choruses are good and enjoyable though
Nothing really feels out of place, but there's only like 3-4 choruses on here
Really short and I think that was the idea
I'm thinking a: 8.3/10
The verses may be the best thing about the album
All the verses are fantastic, never mid, bad or just good
Every verse is great and above, the lyricists on this album are great
SHD, KO, and Harry are probably all in the top 10-20 best on the site
No meat riding, no glazing, I just personally feel that way, but I digress
I'm feeling a: 9.7/10
//Final Thoughts//
This LP is probably one of the best things to be released on here
No meat riding, it does the basics for a classic perfectly
But it expands on that with vulnerability and openness which is sad
But kind of bitter sweet, I don't know how, It's just great in that way
I'm giving this a: 9.4/10
What do you think, did you love it, hate it, like it, dislike it?
I'd love to know

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Member since March 31 2024

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