You’re The Problem (Interstellar...

• Written by  • Featuring 

Listen up, because you desperately need to hear this
You’re a terrible fucking person, and you honestly should fear this
You really thought you could take us? Your brain must have a leak
Especially since nobody knew who the fuck you were until last week
You’re selfish and insecure, and you need professional help
You made it your life’s mission to be the worst version of yourself
You are a truly despicable person without a shred of empathy
So take a long hard look in the mirror and ask yourself about your legacy
Because you’re the perfect fucking example of how not to live a life
Your only purpose in the world is to be a bitch and cause strife
You’re trying to drag everyone down to your moral level
Your soul is a barren wasteland corrupted by the devil
You’ll never have any friends if you keep treating people like shit
You’ll become a miserable loner and your life will go down the pit
So you need to realize that you’re the problem, motherfucker
And you’re the reason why everyone around you fucking suffers
You’re a morally bankrupt asshole and I fucking hate your existence
And I know that you’re fully aware of this shit, you’re just indifferent
Because you have no idea what the words “decency” or “kindness” mean
Trust me bitch, we all know what you’re hiding behind the scenes
Nah this ain’t a diss no more, this a fucking life lesson
Something’s mentally wrong with you and I gotta address it
Look, life is a tough motherfucker, I know how it feels bro
But being a demented piece of shit is not the way to go
You need to listen to wise people and learn when to zip it
You gotta humbly admit when you’re wrong and fix it
Mental growth isn’t a choice, it’s something that needs to be done
I want you to push yourself every day to become less of a bum
Because you’re a fucking awful person and it’s not doing you favors
Your actions have hurt innocent people and put them in danger
You are a pathological liar with all this bullshit you spew
And that’s why I despise you, and everything you fucking do
I despise the water you consume, I despise the food you eat
I despise the ground you walk on, I despise the air you breathe
I despise the way you rap, I despise the way you write
And I despise the way you live your fucking mess of a life

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Member since May 2 2024

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