@Hey CannonBlast!!!

• Written by  • Featuring CannonBlast2

Your right, I can't rap.
I'm 14.
But if I hired a ghost writer, I'd never learn.
That's why you can't rap.
Cause you hired a ghost writer when you were my age.
Not everyone can hire a ghost writer when they suck.
People like me suck, get better, and become the ghost writer to your offspring. Haha.
You always suck before you get better.
You always fall before you get up,
And you always lose before you win.
That's just the way life is.
If I'm 14 and I know this more than you?
I feel bad.
All I can say is:
With your mentality, your gonna turn out like Drake.
Ima turn out like Tupac Shakur, muthaphucker

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Member since July 5 2024

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