Guilty consence P1

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My Minds blurred wonder if its just me but I feel like killin another person I think yall know the name theres 2 people 1 SERPENT999 and Interstellar well lets kill SERPENT999 first then start the process of gettin rid of Interstellar (SERPENT999) ha good luck gettin rid of me (SERPENTX man SERPENT999 why do you keep comin its OVER i dont need you no more walk away theres the door (SERPENT999) Nah fool we got unfinished business (SERPENTX what kind of unfinished business (SERPENT999) killin someone (SERPENTX) who besides me killin you (SERPENT999) killin your family (SERPENTX) I knew you were gonna go there and the answer is no

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Member since November 11 2022

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