Untitled Song

• Written by 

Lost in the shadows of memories
Echoes of your laughter haunting me
Gone are the days of warmth and light
Now all that's left is the silent night
Tears like rain on a darkened sky
Heartache whispers, but I don't ask why
Loneliness wraps around like a shroud
In this silence, I feel so loud
Fading echoes of a love that once bloomed
In the darkness of my room, I'm consumed
By the ache of an empty space
Where you used to be, in your embrace
Time moves on, but my heart stays still
Caught in a moment, a void to fill
Searching for solace in memories past
But the pain remains, a love that couldn't last
Fading echoes of a love that's gone
In the silence, I still hear our song
Whispers of what could have been
Lost in the night, where do I begin

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About the Artist

Member since July 26 2024

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