King of villians

• Written by 

The king of villans
You know I never be chilling
Always a crash out
You never know what I'm about
With no doubt
Ima leave a hole, chest out
leave you on the floor
I'ma head out the door
And leave your family poor
I think like lex, joker, two-face and doomsday
And thats me on a Tuesday
Like it's my payday
Or hayday
Never know what I go through
It's just me and my crew
So you gon see what Ima do
And that world that you leave in
Gon meet its end
I'm so tired of life
Seems that every person I trust
Just turn into dust
The just stab me about 5000 times
I'm like the crust
Always Protective, like it's a must
The soft part, is the best part
Then you gon see what's inside my heart
It feels like my feelings been tost
Or mybe I'm lost, do you know how much I cost?
More then what you make
Can you even afford toothpaste
Your life is a wast
That's a Closed... (case)

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Member since June 4 2024

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