No clue

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They claim to know what a teenager is, a worn-out cliche.
Think they understand, but their words just go astray.
Dad tells me, "Go out, make friends, easy as pie"
But he has no clue, the fear that's deep inside.
Anxiety, a chokehold around my neck, a suffocating weight.
Paralyzed by the sea of faces, I dread my fate.
Mama tells me, "Stop listening to music, it's a waste."
But she has no clue, it's the only thing keeping me sane.
Anxiety sucks, a constant, nagging fear.
Scared of crowds, I hide away, year after year.
"Hey Shine, why don't you answer more questions in class?"
You have no clue, Mama, how vulnerable I feel in that mass.
They think life was the same when they were young, a simpler time.
But this is Gen Z, where everything's redefined.
They got no clue, what it's like to navigate this digital maze,
To face constant pressure, the endless craze.

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Member since September 16 2024

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