• Written by BARBIE6
my only is,that its good is
tell em this is barbie6 alpha from jayz
of all these, made is real,from of my drag queen
is this, and of this,u not my bees
so when im pull up on sing, u not rap of me
verse 1
my name now is the lead, of bitchese want my win
of these gang u tries on me sleaze is on ready the king
form of good body, is seems queer this
and why im put here on this,rap and sing is my very things
yo, when they biffs is , win is to wisdom it
so is u not of me,there not to friend if there's not queer
verse 2
for i take a little nice
ex u before i leave, put bitchese black chalk fore
since is be never like barbie6
go carefull when he needs,same kiss with them ig
of my funs is suppoting,u thes sing on sing
im then flee for real, baerbie6 thee g.o.a.t
and they cant never my king cuz is queens' king loved me