Didn't Know

• Written by Anonymous

Ya what's up its DCA
No more of this crappy slow music
Here we go we taking it up a notch
By starting real simple
You told me to do my work but I didn't freaking know if I had to push the dishes in the dishwasher or hand wash them or take the trash out to the street or leave it in the garage. I didn't know either way it goes either up or down left or right.
I don't give a crap about what u say u can do like u are better at shooting then me or a better ball handler or maybe I wasn't supposed to beat you because you always HAVE TO WIN. So I didn't know about what was going to happen every day this happens but I didn't know!!!
Have you ever done something wrong or made a little or huge mistake sometimes you just have too say I didn't know because sometimes you just don't know.
I know this is a cheesy song but I still got express my feelings and just rap along to the beat because I didn't know so just now that I didn't know most of the time you just don't know.
So through all those mistakes and penalties
And flagrant fouls
Some people just need to know that I didn't know so calm down because I didn't know

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