itch (2nd process)

• Written by 

this beat makes me itch all over my fuckin
illistic ass shit no-body stoppin me.
clearly, vicious as can be,
just got back from a muthaphukkin
killin spree.
blown out backbones,
armpits losing grip, all of these,
i've accidentally,
hurt maimed and injured
women behind me yelling out
"he's fuckin guilty",
my mind made up capable of plenty,
over the countertop and slide passed,
out of breath gassed. whiplashed,
suffering sucka-tashed. whatevers clever
for me to
get my mittens on next its gonna be
severed, in half,
ur head from ur neck --->off the lever,
sold my soul to the devil,
holes in ur sweater, like a mailman droppin' off letters,
---> daily, like i said this beat makes me
fuckin itch like crazy,.
second process to reloading the barretta.
never leavin' the house with-out it, like visa,
aromatic aerosol cheez-whiz like cheetah*---> fun yummin , fun in the sun and im comin, not even breathing hard yet, best to bet soon to be consumed by the sledge,
drivin the middle piece out like a hard felt
im the person committing the atrocity,
causin casualties, relatively easily,
no such thing as damage control "g",
dividends that never end, no need to
we arent friends,
whats around the next
corner i'll lend u a thought for a moment,
then i own it, like a tear after being sewn,
a bit, seriously tendencies to rip it, floss it,
slash the masterpiece,
destruction never ceases.
girlies never underestimate me
translation no weakness. peep this.
"precision on any beat. yo out complete"

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Member since March 30 2015

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