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All I try to do is help, And it comes back making it about myself
Making me feel selfish, Truth is something I hate to tell
Cuz words are so effective, When she is mad it makes me feel like hell
She puts me down in a manor that literally hurts me
She does deserve me, She in fact deserves better
But all I am trying to do is help her get better
And it hurts when I don't cuz I am her Lil Protector
I know I am not the best at what I do, but I try
Some things I say I hardly think through, I'm a guy
I need to start seeing things from your point of view
When your sad I just wanna die, Makes me wanna cry
I know we say things we don't mean, your still my queen
But being mad at me for telling you truth?
That's immature and proves the importance of avoiding a dispute
I hate when you leave with just a goodnight
Makes me wonder was it really a fight?
Did I do right? Or did all I do was wrong?
If I did right maybe I wouldn't stuck writing this song
I shoulda seen your feelings all along
Maybe all I need to do is be put in isolation
So maybe then I won't be the reason for your frustration
I need a narration, But your words destroy me like an annihilation
I am sorry if what I say is stupid, if I knew I wouldn't do it
All I said is your respect for your mom is at a minimum
And you get pissed when you have a discipline
But believe me I hate it when, Your pissed at Trent
All he tried to do was help, and good words is what he meant
He would dive head first into any depth for you
So please don't get pissed when he tells you the truth
Cuz when you get mad it just puts salt in his wounds
And when it's anger over something he doesn't get, he get's confused
So bad shit is what he assumes he doesn't mean some shit he says
He just doesn't wanna mumble it under his breath
And he hates it when he has to sleep with you mad
All he ever wants is for you to be glad, not sad
He just want's you to be a high school grad
Grow up and so he can be a dad, He loves you might I add
He writes his love for inside of a note pad, is that bad?
But you in his life is the biggest impact, You keep his life intact
His worst fear is to lose you, he would kill anyone who abuses you
Kill any soul that misuses you, He looks at it like what would Jesus do
He just wants you to both grow up and be true
He just really hopes you want that too
I talked with him, he is feeling really blue
He knows why your mad, but won't gimme a clue
He's stuck on you like glue, Your made for each other
What doesn't kill you makes you tougher
Just like you guys would do anything for one another
He loves you more than his own mother
He will go to any extreme measure, to see you gain pleasure
Cuz he wants to be with you... Forever

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About the Artist

Member since April 13 2015

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