precisely an epiphany

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last night i had an epiphany,
so i wrote it down it my rap book in calligraphy,
so many people today feast or pheen for sympathy,
i just keep a level head and composed, its natural like gravity,
ruthless toothless aggression, lyrical session, fuck vanity,
a dude that really started from the bottom now i'm the fucking canopy,
lessons learned over time, hard feelings and moments questioning my
fuck the world when i'm in the studio finding a moment of clarity,
rhyme for reasons come with maturity,
precision authority,
superiority rappin,
my passion, compacting multi syllable sounds its like expansion,
only if u muthafuckas knew a fraction.

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Saint_James, NATHANIEL, Geddis, and 57 more people propped this rap.

About the Artist

Member since March 30 2015

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