
• Written by 


at some points l stutter or forget some of the words.
this is really just a test and l am not that good at singing/rapping
(honestly the last time when l used my voice for anything else that's not talking was when l was in my early primary schools. so it has been quite a few years since l last sang/rapped)

one last thing
l only just started this so the quality may be completely terrible.
and l don't know how to improve it at all.

l know its not the time
but I'm just trying to make a dime
and l think l should try
but I'm super depressed
while I'm being compressed
into a model they think is so fine
but its nothing like mine
what do you think I'm doing out on the tracks
I'm giving what l should take back
but l cant make that
and everything l am you want to break that
I'm not rumpelstiltskin
nor gold in the hay stack
you think l need a straight jacket
face tacks I'm not nuts for real
why cant you take that?!
my sanity is starting to deflate
into dust and ash
anything that different you want mash
that not much left to say
that's on my mind
but l want to take heroine
and all l can say is that l need no hero
so just leave me alone
l'll just be fine
when l die
'cause dying is easier than living
so good bye
and fuck life
there's no need to apologize
but you just have to recognize
that there's more to life
than looking nice
on the outside
while the inside is rotting
so just fucking forget life

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About the Artist

Member since April 25 2016

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