No more problème
• Written by Ecto-Lecto
Ecto-Lecto: J'avais prévenu que le prochain chapitre ferait mal,
maintenant que tout le monde est prévenu on peut s'enfoncer dans ce dédale,
appuie sur la pédale, touche pas au frein au main, j'aime pas ralentir,
si tient à tiens à ta main, freine pas et reste tranquille,
si on se plante contre un arbre, qu'est-ce qui peut nous arriver de pire?
A part une hémorragie interne, tu connais pas le vrai martyr,
j'espère que t'es prêt à partir, car ce soir on va bien rire,
accélère, prends le virage, joue pas au con si tu tiens à ton œsophage,
le couteau sous la gorge sert à te maintenir éveillé histoire que t'ais pas de mirage,
passe la vitesse supérieur, tire le manche, oups je crois que ça me démange,
désolé de t'avoir coupé, je suis en train de rentrer en trans,
ces pilules me coupent les sens, il y a rien de mieux pour pioncer, laisse la radio allumée,
et gare toi de ce côté. Pense même pas à sauter, ce serait pas malin,
la caisse est rempli de C4 et j'ai le détonateur dans la main,
OK, c'est bien, bouge pas, t'aimes les feux d'artifices? Mets tes lunettes, ça va être explosif.
Apprécie le paysage, on est sur le long d'une falaise, regarde le soleil qui se lève,
dis-toi que tout ceci n'est qu'un rêve, ce sera toujours moins violent,
même si en réalité je te donne peu de chance d'en ressortir vivant,
combien on parie que tu feras un 360 pendant que ton corps est flambant?
Allez, je mise 66, 3, 2, 1 (bruit d'explosion).
HA! Je savais que pendant le vol plané tu ferai les 3 6!
Feelter: no more problem, don't hit the rock bottom, the pot wants you to come,
keep it up, don't drown, let the smog invades you and then get down.
(2 times) No more problem...
Ecto-Lecto: De retour chez moi, je suis raide foncedé,
j'ai des cernes plus grosses que Kardashian et son tarpé, et j'sais plus quel mois on est,
minuit passé, je m'endors en regardant un highlights d'O.J. en repensant au procès,
le lendemain, à 15h30 un drame se produit, et vu la gravité, j'peux pas vraiment en parler,
je crois que j'ai trop pris.
Feelter: That's all right! Let me pick up the slack, go rest, I'mma handle this rack.
Okay motherfuckers, are y'all hearing me?! (HELL YEAH!) Good!
So to make quick, here's what happened:
I wanted to find a place where I'd have zero trouble for tripping off sherm.
I looked around me and seen a good flat for popping a drug.
As I forced the door, I started taking a toke, inhaling the smog, but still didn't choke.
Then I heard: -"Look at these marks, are you fucking kidding me?!!"
-"Yeah I see, and fuck that shit, screw the bachelor, this is nothing but bullshit,
they all can suck my dick!"
This little prick should've not opened his mouth,
his dad didn't miss him and smacked him the fuck out,
then he left, leaving his son with a blood stain, looking like a foolish lame with a dead brain,
he tried to get his head straight, but in vain, then the pain made him feel like he was drained.
While I look at him I was like: "Jeez! Is he really capable?"
Fortunately I was there, I stoped him to commit the irreparable.
Feelter: no more problem, don't hit the rock bottom, the pot wants you to come,
keep it up, don't drown, let the smog invades you and then get down.
(2 times) No more problem...
Feelter: Hold on dude, don't jump! Close this window and listen to me!
Ecto-Lecto: Who the fuck are you? you don't speak the language of the country!
Feelter: Hell yeah, I'm coming from Boston, I had to get away from.
Ecto-Lecto: How did you enter the floor? Are you a phantom?
Feelter: Do you even give a fuck about what happened to me?
Ecto-Lecto: I don't know dude, you just break into my home and seem fucking crazy!
Feelter: I had a concussion, thanks to the Jets! When I died they had to put screws in my neck!
Ecto-Lecto: Oh, you were a football player?
Feelter: No, but when I attended this Patriots game during the fourth quarter,
I couldn't withhold no longer my anger.
I took my AK out, started shooting the Jets receivers while they were running their routes,
and dismembered the tackles the fuck out. Everybody ducked down,
but the linebackers managed to tackle me, while screaming at me "What now?!"
Ecto-Lecto: Jesus, this story is fucking horrible!
Feelter: I know, the Pats lost 10 at 26, it was just terrible!
Ecto-Lecto: Damn, double reason to make the big leap.
Feelter: Before you do stupid shit and you regret it, just get relaxing in smoking this weed.
This pot is hell of a good and most of all very cheap.
Feelter: no more problem, don't hit the rock bottom, the pot wants you to come,
keep it up, don't drown, let the smog invades you and then get down.
(2 times) No more problem...
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Member since November 23 2016